Sunday, July 1, 2007

Shabbat Shalom? HEY!

So I haven't updated because of Shabbat and the weekend..but it's sunday which is bascilly like a monday because I have a case of the mondays..(hence I'm a dead beat)

Let's try to think back to Friday night..ohh what an amazing and crazy night.

Shabbat services were beautiful. I sat next to Mimi and Sarah Keys. Dinner was alright, my kosher chicken was goodish. SONGSESSION. SO amazing. Everyone dressed crazy. Including myself. I wore a polka dot shirt with a polo underneath with a green mini skirt brown leggings black checkerboard shoes and a yellow hand band. I was looking pretty fly. DRC (David Rose Carmack) wore the matching blue mini looked a whole lot shorter on him than me. Which was crazy fun and funny. We danced, and had so much fun. I was so exhausted after that, but overall it was sooooo good. It was a fun night.

Saturday morning was nice. We had services. They were really nice. After services I teached Carolyn how to play havdallah service chords. After that I called my parents. Then went to lunch. Went back to the cabin. Took a nap. Then I talked to Zach for a good two hours on the phone...really I would of hung out with people but everyone was doing their own thing at free time all day. Then I bonded with Elena. After that I saw CARYN ROMAN!! It was really exciting. I hugged her. It took me a second to realize it was her. It was kind of crazy. And then we had cabin bonding programming...which basiclly just went around and said why kutz is so special to us. Mine was kind of long..but it was good stuff.

Then we had Israelie movie night...which was really interesting surprisingly. The sound didn't stop working and Ben Fuld tried to fix it and it kept screwing up and then we went to havdallah.

havdallah was amazing!!

I got to lead because it was our cabin service. It was me, Lindsay Forman, Maxie, and Zach Newburgh leading on guitars in the middle. Between each of the prayers every girl in my cabin wrote a really cute little thing that relates to havdallah. It was really nice. It felt so good to songlead. We were all pretty together. We sped up a bit, but it all ended up working out really well. It felt so good to songlead again. I miss it so much. Then our cabin had a really emotional talk about death. And it kind of freaked me out. A few girls in my cabin's dad's have died. Basiclly we all ended up crying. And by everyone just me and a few other girls.


Services were fine. Oh I keep on forgetting.


I had to get that out there. I'm so cold. Kutz is cold. I don't like it. Alrighty on to morning services..

So we had our minyan this morning. It was nice. We went in the program room. David Wilensky was leading (usally D.Singer does it) and we get to the Amidah. And right in the middle the fire alarm goes off. D.Singer finishes early, the rest of us were discusted with all of it. I was mad because I was in the middle of prayer. That wasn't so pleasant. Went to breakfast.

Then we had an Israel program this morning. Talk about boring. Then we went to J.Studs. Woah intense. I can't really explain it but I take a lot of notes about it. Then I had my first elective. I finished my essay..I have to rewrite the whole thing, but I'm excited.

I'm feeling beat and I'm off to lunch. :]

ZD + will happen. hahaha

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