Sunday, June 17, 2007

Summer of 2007

I decided to make a special Kutz Blog for that purpose, to write or rather type as much as I can so that I can remember it for years to come.

Just a little back ground for those who will/might be reading my blog for the first time.

This summer I am going to the URJ Kutz Campus for Reform Jewish Teenagers. It is a leadership tranining instiutie that I went to last summer, but with a whole different mind set then I have right now for this upcoming summer.

I know somewhat to expect, but my mind will try to stay as open and clear as it can be.

I have some goals for this summer.

1. To learn as much as I possibly can.
2. To have the greatest time ever.
3. To learn about what I feel about conterversal topics in Judiasm.
4. Start to explore my feelings on Zionism.
5. To come back a little bit lighter :]
6. To learn more Hebrew.
7. Create bonds with people I've never met before
9. Create the bonds stronger with people I have met before
10. To write one (or more) jewish song

I want to be able to learn, but still have fun. I want to get so much out of this summer. I really want to be able to walk into EIE having a good idea of my ideals on reform Judiasm and what I believe about it from the Torah to the Messiah. I know I have a lot of goals,but I know I can achieve them.

I'm excited, nervous, worried, exhausted, and overall enthuastic about this year at kutz.

Eyeh Asher Eyeh--I am who I am.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes Rachel throwing out some ivrit!