Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day Three/Day Four

I feel like this is the time I will always be updating this crazy blog.

Okay so I just finished my J.Studs class. My brain is mush just like D.Singer said. Blehh. It was fantastic. All we talked about today mostly was Hashem and the monomidies (sp?) yeah. It was pretty intresting.

Here's what went down these past 24 hours that I've experinced.

I went to my first elective. Sports Odysess with Seth GL and Ben Levine. We played soccer. It was really fun. There was a bunch of MAR sophomore girls in it with me. I had a lot of fun gettinge exerise though. There were two boys who were really good and this other girl from MAR who doesn't really do NFTY but is like a kick butttt soccer player. It was pretty sick. And I met a kid from Alaska. And that's his name. He's a nice kid.

Then I ate lunch. Grilled Cheese.

Second elective is basiclly G-d and Spirituallity. I didn't realize I was taking that class again, but for some reason I think I'm going to stay in it. We have a small class but we are really into creating a community. I love it. I'm so set in stone (basiclly) on what I believe about Hashem and the ways and such. I mean I'm excited for today's class for it. It should be good. But yeah, I feel like it's going to be interesting to hear what other people's beliefs and ideas about Hashem.

Then we had free time. Aka Chofesh. Good stuff.

I taught a small group of girls how to play guitar..or rather attempt. It's kind of fun teaching them but frustrating at the same time. I can't even explain why I want to. I feel like I'm going to get something out of it all. They are all really into learning though which always makes me smile. I'm teaching them my fav song Or Zaruach and if they can play that, they can play anything. I'll probably play more with them later today.

After that we went to dinner. It was fine. Song session was SO much fun. Josh taught us another song. I forgot what song it was...but it was pretty awesome. I really got into it. Its so hot though so it gets harder and harder to enjoy song sessions because of all the sweat BO and heat. And it's weird to actually pariticpate in it because I'm so use to songleading. But it's always fun to be part of it.

Then we had services. They were beautiful. In the willows. We had this some what nature service. I really liked it. I took off my shoes and stuck my feet in the grass. It felt so refreshing. It was a really cute and nice service. I really tried to intake all of my surroundings and feel the spiritual connection with the community and such.

Then we had an evening program. It was fine. It was about different ideas and pollution. Overall I mean they were okay. I just wasn't into certian parts of the program and I started to get frustrated. I just got really upset last night. But it all turned out to be fine after I talked to Zach. :]

Today has been good so far. Went to breakfast. Then we had a morning program. I loved it. My first rotation was with David Singer about ritual garb. I've done soo many programs about it, but overall I still can't get enough of it. Everytime I talk about it with anyone it always gets me excited. My second rotation was about being Jewish in places where there might not be as many Jews. It was interesting. A lot of people have it hard, some don't, I consider myself in the middle. But I really got some different ideas and opinons.

In J.Studs today...Well I already talked about that. But I'm a dead beat..I'm about to go play kick ball. I'll update this tomorrow.


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